Road Safety Week

Stay safe on the roads
Your safety is our priority at Busseys and for Road Safety Week we have put together a short checklist to help keep you safe on the Norfolk roads.
- With winter in full swing some road conditions, including fog, rain and black ice, could mean that the speed limit is too fast. Speed is a limit not a target.
- Some of the roads in Norfolk are famous for being narrow and consist of a lot of sharp bends. The slower the speed the easier it is for you to react to any hazards.
- Consider the consequences of the possibility of causing an accident due to driving at an excessive speed.
- If your journey is long, plan a 15 minute break every two hours.
- Don’t take to the wheel if you’re already tired.
- If you feel tired during your journey, find a safe place to stop.
- Caffeine and energy drinks help but remember, they are only a short term solution.
Vehicle checks
- Before any journey make sure you check your vehicle. Head over to our “Vehicle Safety Check” blog post for more info.
- You’d be a fool not to wear one. In a crash you’re twice as likely to die if you don’t wear a seatbelt. Before setting off on your journey make sure to check that your passengers have theirs on too.
Drink & drug driving
- Under no circumstance whatsoever should you get behind the wheel if you are over the limit or have taken any form of substance that could affect your driving.
- Plan how to get home before a night out, book a taxi or organise for someone to pick you up.
- Don’t accept a lift from a driver you know has drunk alcohol or could be under the influence of drugs.
- Be aware the morning after, you could still be over the limit. The Morning After campaign has set up a calculator to roughly work out when it will be safe for you to drive home the morning after. Please note this is not intended to help you work out how much you can drink on a night out before driving home. Call a taxi or arrange for someone to pick you instead.
Cyclists, horses & motorbikes
- Be aware of where cycle paths & lanes are on the route you are taking.
- When over taking cyclists make sure to leave plenty of room.
- Check for cyclists & motorcyclists when opening car doors.
- Slow down and be ready to stop if you see any horses on the road.
- Do not sound your horn or rev your engine, this could scare the horses
- Horse riders will keep to the left on roundabouts until they reach their exit. They will normally only signal right when approaching exits they don’t intend to use.
- Check for motorbikes when changing lanes.
- Motorcyclists may pass you on either side, be sure to double check when turning left or right.